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"Life is not all about sports!" CSISD Athletic Upgrades Bond on Ballot for a third time

If the upcoming bond package passes, the district's debt load--including interest--could swell to nearly a billion dollars.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — After being rejected twice by voters, the College Station ISD bond proposal for athletic upgrades has been placed on the ballot once more, but some residents aren’t too happy with the $53 million bond package being proposed again.

Community member, Jeannine Smith said, “This is the third time in less than five years now that the College Station school board has tried to get voters to approve a lot of money for basically athletics and we just told them no less than six months ago.”

Some community members believe the district is misplacing their focus.

“Life is not all about sports, academics scores across the nation are collapsing, they need to refocus on teaching academics in a rigorous manner,” Jerri Lynn Ward, College Station resident.

But in February the College Station ISD board of trustees unanimously voted to host a bond election on May 4 to give the athletics upgrades another chance to be approved by voters. 

While the district maintains that the tax impact will remain stable from the estimated two cent increase, residents are not convinced.

“They’re going to incur a lot of debt so this no new taxes thing I’m sorry I just don’t believe it," Smith said.

If the upcoming bond package passes, CSISD’s debt load including interest could reach just below one billion.

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