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Cedric Marks sentenced to death following capital murder conviction

Jurors gave the man convicted of double murder the death penalty Friday afternoon.

BELTON, Texas — After a week-long punishment phase, a jury has given marks the death penalty on Friday, June 9. 

Marks was convicted last month of killing Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin in 2019.

In a shocking turn the day before his sentence, Cedric Marks, who testified on his own behalf while representing himself, admitted to lying to the jury about his role in the deaths of both Scott and Swearingin. 

Earlier in the week, Marks had testified to the jury that he had never laid a hand on Scott or made any threat toward Swearingin. However, on June 8, Marks let the jury know this wasn't the case.

Marks admitted to threatening Swearingin, saying he was going to cut his head off if he did not stop calling his phone. 

After a fight broke out between Marks and Scott, Marks testified that he put Scott in a chokehold. Afterwards, Marks says she screamed, saying he was trying to kill her.

"I should've never touched her," Marks said.

Marks called himself an abuser and got emotional. He says the next day he taught a women's self defense class.

"I teach these women how to get out of a chokehold I just put my girlfriend in," Marks said. 

Marks presented evidence to the court afterwards, specifically two audio conversations between him and Scott in regards to the choke and their relationship.  

In the audio clips, Scott says Marks killed six people. She also asked Marks if he told everyone that he almost killed her. 

"I wanted to hurt her," Marks testified. "That was a horrendous mistake."

Marks then described what happened on his trip to Texas in Jan. 2019, when Scott and Swearingin went missing.

Marks confirmed he went to Austin, a Whataburger and Rebecca Adney's house. He claimed Maya Maxwell, his accomplice and former girlfriend, met a friend at a coffee shop and took Adney's vehicle on Jan. 3, 2019. 

Marks says he called Maxwell throughout the day but never heard back. On Jan. 4, 2019, Marks says Maxwell called him at 4:00 a.m. crying. He then shocked the courtroom with his statements. 

"I have not told the truth," Marks said. "I've been a liar. I feel that I am absolutely responsible for the deaths of Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin."

However, Marks denied any involvement with the killings, claiming Maxwell killed Scott and a stranger killed Swearingin. 

He also briefly talked about why he was representing himself in trial. 

"I didn't follow my lawyer's advice," Marks said. "I wanted to not tell the truth about what happened." Marks says what he wanted to do was cover up for Maxwell. 

When Marks said Maxwell attempted to lure Swearingin out of his home in Temple, Bell County District Attorney, Henry Gazra, objected to his statements for hearsay and speculation. 

Marks made another outburst and looked at the victims' families, telling them he was not a murderer. He was then escorted out of the courtroom.

When Marks was present again, he started to play the video of Swearingin interacting with someone outside of his home. With multiple objections from the State, Marks raised his voice at the judge. 

"They're so afraid," Marks said. "They made a deal with the devil."

Marks went on to say he was just there to clean up the mess. 

Marks wrapped up his testimony in tears, saying he wanted the harshest punishment possible. 

"I'm ready to go anyway," Marks said. "I am completely responsible. Do it for the dog, my boys, Scott and Harrison. Let me go. Please help me go."

Marks could hardly get any words out and was escorted out of the courtroom. 

Prosecutors cross examined Marks next. Garza looked at Marks and asked, "Are you ready?" According to testimony by Maxwell, these were the last words Marks said to Scott before he choked her to death. 

The courtroom was filled with tension, back and forth dialogue and interruptions between Garza and Marks.

Garza asked Marks if he was the one who dug the hole and drug the bodies in the grave.

"Yes," Marks told the jury with no hesitation. 

Garza asked Marks where he buried April Pease, who disappeared in 2009 and has never been found. However, Marks denied any involvement her disappearance. 

"You told Jenna you killed more people," Garza said.

"You guys are so dirty," Marks said back to Garza. "You should be in prison."

Garza then asked Marks if he realized the horror, pain and hurt he caused Scott when he sent videos of her assaulting him to her school and other places. 

"Would you agree you're a danger to people when you want to be?" Garza asked Marks. 

"No," Marks said back.

Marks claimed there is still more to the story and evidence in this case. He says prosecutors have been hiding it this whole time.

"You're flipping it on us," Garza said. "You've had four years to think about this case."

Marks then confirmed he drove to Oklahoma with Swearingin and Scott's bodies in his car. He admitted to buying clothes and getting shoes from the Walmart just a few blocks down from where the bodies were found.

Garza brought up how Marks buried the bodies right next to a cemetery where his family was, alluding to the fact that this was all strategically planned out by Marks and no one else. 

Marks testified to filling the grave but still did not admit to killing the two.

"You're trying to tell the truth, tell the truth," Garza said. 

Garza looked at Marks and said he is still trying to control this narrative.

"No, I just really hate you," Marks said in response.

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